Pioneering HIIC learning online during the pandemic

When the pandemic struck, how could HIIC be delivered online - and how do we retain the participative, engaging discussion that's so important? This HIIC pioneered the first fully online HIIC course.

What happened?

As cornonvairus meant we could no longer meet face-to-face, HIIC tutor Fiona Douglas from NHS Lanarkshire brought her HIIC students together to figure out how to deliver HIIC online.

With so much of HIIC being about the personal interactions, stories and individual experiences, this seemed a daunting task.

The result was a highly participant-led session and that despite some technology issues, the group still managed to come together and make connections with each other and they earned their certificates.

The participants shared their experience in this video.

How did HIIC spark community action?

The students became the first HIIC group to deliver fully online, and shared a range of practical tips, tricks and insights with other tutors and students trying to do the same.

They also provided updates and learning as delivery progressed, including how participants used the online platforms to come together for yoga and other ways to connect as people had to socially distance.

Delivering HIIC online was a big challenge as the pandemic began, but has be incredibly valuable for everyone involved and created a new way to deliver the course.

Due to the learning from these HIIC pioneers, CHEX has delivered Tutor Training online on Zoom and a range of other HIIC courses have been delivered in this way.