Video: Making an impact with Chance 2 Change

Chance 2 Change (C2C) is an expert reference group with lived experience of health inequalities and inequity in Scotland.

C2C worked alongside the Primary Care Health Inequalities Short Life Working Group (SLWG), which was set up by the Scottish Government to make recommendations on how primary care can address health inequalities.

C2C shared their perspectives on various topics related to health inequalities, such as stigma, discrimination, access, communication, trust, empowerment, prevention and support.

Voicing lived experience

Peer-facilitator of the group, Leanne McBride completed the HIIC course in 2016 and then supported the group through the Health Issues in the Community course in 2019, on both occasions delivered by Annexe Communities. Here, the members used their own experiences and knowledge to complete the course, as well as to make connections with those working in government who were keen to hear more voices of lived experience.

In this video, Leanne shares more about her experiences of working with the group and the personal stories that drove her. Content warning: this video contains personal reflections on suicide.

Making an impact

The feedback and contributions from the C2C group have been pivotal in developing the themes for discussion, and the final recommendations of the SLWG. You can read more about the Chance 2 Change group, and the impact they had, here 

In the report, Leanne concludes:

“The whole report echoes the need for change but some key factors for success in similar future projects as well as services as a whole. Where to start: listen to the people who have lived it; balance our needs with your expectations, then we can collectively achieve success.”

There’s also additional information in the C2C Does Digital Report which details the group’s work in developing their digital skills in during the pandemic.

Thank you to Leanne and the Chance 2 Change group for sharing their reflections.